Towards Net Zero
Arrow Group Global Ltd recognises the importance of making a full and lasting commitment to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from our activities, in support of the wider commitment of the world to limit global temperature increases and the impact on the planet.
We’re committed to achieving Net Zero in line with the Science Based targets set out by the UNFCCC i.e., to achieve Net Zero no later than 2050 and target a 50% reduction in emissions by 2030.
Enabling future generations
We recognise that businesses like ours, especially in furniture industry, can have a negative impact on the environment. Arrow Group are committed to finding new ways to reduce the environmental impact of our products and processes and we’re making encouraging progress.
Here are a few of the ways we’re improving:
We recycle as much waste material as possible with robust recycling processes in place at all our offices, warehouses, manufacturing and upholstery. We are certified to ISO 14001 Environmental Management standards.
We avoid the use of paper wherever possible. We supply invoices and quotations digitally via email and most of our marketing materials are digital too. On the rare occasion that we do print we source paper stocks from well-managed sources or use recycled stocks and always use vegetable oil based inks. We reuse waste paper where possible.
We recycle equipment or hardware that is no longer of use to the company.
We keep energy usage low, making use of low energy light bulbs in all our facilities and ensuring that computers, manufacturing equipment and heating systems are turned off at the end of each working day.
During 2023 we installed solar panels on the roof of our main warehouse facility and we harvest rainwater for use with our interior and exterior planting.
We encourage low impact transport for travel both to and from work and for business, wherever possible. We have ten electric vehicles in use by staff and two hybrids. We have eight electric vehicle chargers for staff and visitors to use, seven at our Suffolk Headquarters and one at our Midlands Hub.
We avoid unnecessary travel by making use of instant messaging, video conferencing, telephone and email.
We recently moved our warehousing and distribution hub to the Midlands to avoid our delivery vehicles travelling across the UK from Suffolk.
Products & Packaging
We’re actively working towards removing plastic from all our packaging. We are hoping our entire Metalicon accessories range will be plastic free from 2025 – look out for the Ocean Friendly Packaging® logo.
We actively sourcing products and services that minimise negative environmental impacts over their life cycle of manufacturing, transportation, use and recycling or disposal.
We use cleaning products with a low environmental impact, eg. environmentally safe soaps and detergents.
All our office staff have access to sit-stand desks promoting health and activity and staff at our headquarters have access to a quiet room and onsite gym.