We live in exciting times, with our workplaces becoming more vibrant and diverse than ever, both culturally and with a mix of generations. This article explores the attributes and attitudes of each.
“Baby Boomers” – Born 1945 > 1964
I was born during the baby boom after World War 2 when the UK economy was in turmoil. I’m often defined by my spirit, determination and hard work. I have extensive knowledge of the company I work for which is why I hope to have a “job for life”.
I value productivity and hard graft and prefer to collaborate face to face rather than send an email. Because of my general work ethic, my company is assessing ways to keep me and my fellow Baby Boomers in the workplace as my knowledge and skill set are required for survival in today’s challenging environment.
“Generation X” – Born 1965 > 1979
I grew up in a recession, so my parents went to work, often juggling multiple jobs to make ends meet. As a result I became known as one of the “latch-key kids”. I am independent and resourceful in both my approach to life and work. I grew up in a world of conspiracy theories which means that generally I’m sceptical and ready to challenge the status quo. As a manager I believe I have earned my private office and like to keep an eye on my team so that I can intervene if needed. As a result I’m not keen on the concept of agile working.
Flexibility and privacy are very important to me and I may look to leave an organisation if this is not available to me.
“Generation Y” – Born 1980 > 1994
It’s the birth of the digital age, and I find everything online and tech related second nature. I have thousands of virtual friends which means I have access to a network and markets that the older generation can only dream of. My parents are from the Baby Boom generation and as a result work very long hours under pressured circumstances. I want a work-life balance that allows me to see the world and take in new experiences.
I’ve worked my way through university, enjoying campus life which means I fully embrace the agile working concept which is why I want my workspace to be the same. I enjoy the café culture and can often be found in Costa on my laptop working away. I see my career as an extension of myself and have adopted a non-traditional ethos of “anywhere and anytime” working. As a result I have lots of different skills and like the idea of regularly changing jobs.
“Generation Z” – Born 1995 > 2009
I’m at school and looking forward to university. Whilst I anticipate I’ll be entering the world of work in the next few years, I want to expand my horizons through education and travel. A consistent topic of conversation continues to be the global recession and austerity, so, with the help of my parents, I’ve become more financially aware. We live in an uncertain world with terrorism and extremism dominating the news headlines, so im looking for stability and therefore a job for life.
Im part of the YouTube generation and prefer to use influencers to inform my decisions. I cant imagine life without technology and prefer to be networking around the clock. A fast-paced life and constantly challenging work environment is vital to stop me becoming bored.
The aforementioned generations require very different working environments in order for them to reach their personal goals and maximise their productivity. If you’re interested in unlocking your workspace potential, why not speak to one of our consultants today?